Other Crimes

Other Crimes and Violations

Every case has its own unique set of facts and circumstances; too many attorneys use the same basic strategy again and again, applying their preferred process to every case with similar charges. We see this as trying to force a square peg in a round hole. If each case has unique issues, the defense strategy should be equally unique to address those issues.

When you hire Lipp Law to represent you, you’re more than just a file on a desk. Your life and your future is at stake, so you deserve an attorney that provides zealous defense combined with subtle strategy and intelligence, giving you the best possible chances at success.

Click on one of the following possible other crimes to learn more in depth about them, including laws, possible penalties, and what we can do to defend you.

Lipp Law’s experience in defending these cases has taught us that no two cases are the same, and thus no two defense strategies will be the same. We tailor our defense to you and your needs, whether that’s fighting to prove your innocence or working strategically to get you the lower possible punishment.

Contact Lipp Law today for a free consultation to discuss your case and your rights.

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